Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Leave your comments!

I encourage you to add a comment in reply to the following visioning questions. Several groups around the Gt. Lakes/St Lawrence Basin are collecting these comments and will compile them for presentation to the meeting of the Great Lakes Cities Initiative later next summer in Quebec City.

What unites all of us who live in the basin?
What is important and what worries us about our waters?
What do we want to promote?
What is our vision for the basin in 2035?
How can we make our vision come true?

Friday, October 28, 2011

facebook page

The Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Symphony has a facebook page. Check it out!
especially the youtube of the interview about lake erie.


This blog is designed to give residents around Lake Superior a chance to contribute their views to the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Symphony (that's 'symphony' as in united voices, not symphony as in 'orchestra').

The Symphony is a coordinated by the International Water Secretariat, a non-government organization based in Montreal, Quebec (visit

The Symphony hopes to hear from residents along the lakes regarding the following questions:

  • What unites all of us who live in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence system?
  • What is important to us and what worries us regarding our waters?
  • What do we want to promote?
  • What is our shared vision for 2035?
  • What actions should we take to make our vision come true?
In the summer of 2012, a group of 50 people selected from project participants will present a synopsis of these responses to the annual meeting of the Great Lakes Initiative, a collaborative of Great Lakes mayors.

We hope this project will continue beyond that as a mechanism for people to continue to express their goals and vision for our spectacular resource represented by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River and Gulf.